“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.”
Mothers are irreplaceable- they are our role models and our best friends. Mothers are the source of life and love.
They hold our hands in good and bad, praise and criticize us, learn us to love and respect ourselves, accept us for who we are, protect us and make us feel secure. They listen to us, offer a shoulder to cry on, cheer us up, defend us, and are always patient and honest with us.
Even though we should all grow independent as we age, having a strong relationship with the mother is natural and is nothing to be ashamed about.
As kids, our moms play the role of our teachers and coaches, they are our doctors, nurses, and chefs, and as we grow up, they are our advisers and confidants, our most loyal friends.
They are the first person we turn to until the end of our lives, and their role in our life can never be filled by someone else. They remain our superheroes throughout the whole life. We never outgrow our mothers, and we are allowed to always need their love, advice, care, and guidance.
The love of a mother is unconditional. Mother will never leave, no matter how badly you’ve messed up. Conversations with our mothers calm us, heal our souls, make us laugh, and rejuvenate us.
Our mothers are the most loyal people we confide in, and no matter how grave our mistakes are, they accept us and provide comfort.
Our mothers have found time for us whenever we needed them. Their lives revolve around us, their children, and they make numerous sacrifices throughout life to satisfy all our needs and desires.
Even when she is upset or hurt, a mother finds a way to show her support and love.
There is one place in the world where we can always remain kid- joyful, free, and careless- in front of our parents. And every one of us enjoys the boundless love our mothers provide, which makes us feel like children again.
Still having your mother with you is a true blessing, so make sure you show her all your love and care all the time. Call her regularly, share the little details, inform her about your family, things at work, or your new partner.
Visit her as often as you can, invite her to be your guest, and make sure you maintain her place in your life forever.
You are never too old to love or need your mom. Life is short, so never miss an opportunity to show your mother how much you love her and how grateful you are for everything she has done for you.
If your mother is no longer with us, remember her in your prayers and thoughts. This woman will always be there for you, even from among the stars.