-Many people don’t know that watermelon beside water, contains many vitamins and minerals that contributes to our health. Watermelon should be in our daily menu during the summer because it restores the lost fluids, minerals and vitamins.
Although watermelon is a vegetable from cucumber family, we all know as a fruit.
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) originated in Africa and first breeding as domestic species began in Egypt.
Watermelon is used in the diet in almost all countries of the world. Watermelon is a year plant, usually with a ball-shaped, often with green and white stripe.
It is low calorie and contains many useful substances.
Watermelon Nutrition Facts
-Watermelon contains large amount of water, but it is low in calories, so it’s perfect for cleansing the body and as diuretic. Watermelon also contains beneficial nutrients such as: nitric acid, copper, beta-carotene, fiber, vegetable oil, plant hormones, vitamin A, vitamin B1 , B2, B3, B5, B6, then vitamin C, iron, essential oils, malic acid, iodine, potassium, calcium, lycopene, citric acid, magnesium, mineral salts, organic acids, protein, folate, phosphorus, cellulose, zinc and sugar.
Numerous scientific studies have proved that watermelon because it contains large amounts of vitamin C and beta-carotene, it is very useful in the prevention of many heart diseases and chronic inflammation.
This fruit is an excellent source of B vitamins, which are responsible for the processes of metabolism and production of body energy. It also contains high levels of B6, which acts to improve mental abilities and relieves stress and tension.
The Best Way To Consume Watermelon
The best way to consume watermelon is cold and sliced. Watermelon juice or in combination with other fruits has a great healing properties… In many countries watermelon is the main ingredient in most of the dessert. Is interesting that in Africa the watermelon seeds are used for some types of bread.
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