General Health

These Are the Side Effects of Coconut Oil – What Science Does NOT Tell Us

Although not scientifically proven, the coconut oil is believed to be extremely beneficial, and its important qualities are widely recognized. This oil is extracted from the fruit of the coconut palm.

According to its advocates, coconut oil can significantly improve your cardiac, thyroid, and digestive health, as well as your skin and hair quality. Furthermore, this oil is believed to fight free radicals, which cause premature aging.


However, on the other hand, its high content of saturated fat may lead to health problems in some people. Some of these harmful effects include weight gain, total cholesterol increase, intestinal distress, allergic reactions etc.

The potential side effects of the use of coconut oil are the following:

Weight Gain

Coconut oil is abundant in saturated fat, which not only increases total cholesterol levels but according to some health experts, also leads to weight gain. The consumption of coconut oil in large quantities should be avoided, although this is not scientifically proven.

Gastro-Intestinal Distress

According to Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D., and author of “Virgin Coconut Oil: Nature’s Miracle Medicine,” coconut oil can be consumed as an internal antibacterial and anti-microbial agent.

Therefore, the anti-fungal and antibacterial properties of coconut oil are indisputable. Yet, at times, the process of destroying bacteria, viruses and other microbes in the body can give some temporary side effects. In other words, the consumption of coconut oil can result in diarrhea as well as other symptoms linked to IBS.

High Cholesterol Levels

Unlike the well- known claims that coconut oil is beneficial for your cardiac health, there are indications that it actually increase total cholesterol in the body, including “bad” LDL cholesterol.

Both the FDA and the AMA (American Medical Association) advise that coconut oil should be avoided, even though expert opinions are divided as to whether or not coconut oil intake increases LDL cholesterol.

Moreover, saturated fatty acids are identified as the main dietary cause of high cholesterol by the American Heart Association. These fatty acids amass in the body and stick to arterial walls thus causing artery blockage and reduced blood flow. This in turn causes hypertension, and since the blood flow is compromised, blood clots can potentially clog the arteries and lead to a heart attack.

Nevertheless, contradictory evidence emerges claiming that coconut oil may in fact increase “good” cholesterol and have little to no effect on total or “bad” cholesterol levels.

Namely, some nutritionists in an article published in the US News and World Report claim that the fatty acids in coconut oil are predominantly medium-chain triglycerides, which are metabolized much more easily than the long-chain triglycerides found in other saturated fat sources.

Also, the article refers to facts that this particular triglyceride structure may only increase “good” cholesterol, or it may not increase cholesterol at all.

Die-Off Effect

As stated by Dr. Bruce Fife, this is another potential side effect of coconut oil. A “die-off” effect occurs when coconut oil is used for treating fungal infections. Actually, anti-fungal agents in coconut oil kill a lot of fungal organisms, thus releasing toxins into the bloodstream, which in turn cause flu-like symptoms. However, these symptoms are only temporary and disappear in several days.

Allergic Reaction

Allergic reactions to coconut oil are also possible, even though they are rare. In fact, people allergic to hazelnuts may also develop a cross-reactivity to coconuts.

This allergic reaction can vary in severity from skin sensitivity and hives to a more serious and potentially deadly anaphylaxis, which is a sudden, whole-body allergic reaction which can be potentially life-threatening. However, this reaction is very rare and is only found in people who are hypersensitive to the fruit.

Avoid the side effects of coconut oil

Coconut oil is, in general, safe for most people if used in amounts commonly found in foods. It is also considered safe when applied topically in combination with other herbs.

However, always be careful when choosing coconut oil, since coconut oils, either organic or virgin, with the certified seal of approval from the United States Department of agriculture for organic production, are the best choice if you want to reduce or eliminate coconut oil side effects.

On the other hand, unrefined and hydrogenated coconut oils can actually cause some health implications. The hydrogenation method can produce trans fats, which have negative effects upon your health.

Moreover, people with allergies to other foods, especially nuts, should be more careful. It is recommended that you test yourself to coconut oil sensitivity.

Another very important thing is to take coconut oil in smaller amounts at the beginning, and then gradually work your way up to a full dose as recommended by your doctor or nutritionist.

Other included sources linked in Healthy Food Team’s article:
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