Artificial air fresheners, whether they’re sprays, incense, odors included in the electric current, and so forth, can be harmful to health.
This is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women. These fresheners are made from chemicals that may accumulate in the body for years, and lead to various diseases. Symptoms may be frequent dizziness, colds, low immunity and so on.
In some fresheners, there are large amounts of phthalates, found in the so-called natural scents. Phthalates are particularly dangerous for pregnant women because they can cause problems in the development of the baby. In addition, they can be carcinogenic and harmful to the lungs and breathing.
1-4 dichlorobenzene is one of these chemicals, and it can be found in most air fresheners. It affects receptors in the nose and eliminates the smell.
This is done deliberately to create the illusion of fresh air. When the smell of air fresheners is inhaled, the nose doesn’t detect other smells so well.
Some scents have other harmful ingredients. They can lead to changes in blood flow, blood pressure, mood, cause headaches, etc. A large percentage of people with asthma cite these fresheners as triggers of asthma attacks.
If you are accustomed to the artificial fresheners or you really need them, read the label and find about the ingredients before you buy them.
If you are able, choose the most natural freshener. Also, you can always use alternative ways of getting fresh, beautiful scents, such as orange peel, lemon, natural plants and flowers, lavender, mint, chamomile and more. Do not forget to frequently open the windows, to get fresh air in the rooms.
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