
How To Grow An Endless Supply Of Garlic at Home

If you like to cook, or are a fan of deliciously spiced dishes, you definitely love garlic as well!

Garlic is one of the most specific, tasty, and healthy ingredients you can add to your food. Garlic leaves off a pleasant, characteristic aroma, which enriches the flavor of the dish.

What’s more, you can grow it at home!

Despite its taste and aroma, garlic is one of the healthiest vegetables, as it provides various health benefits, including:

Cardiovascular health

When garlic is added to food, it prevents the accumulation of fat in the body and helps the body to deal with it better. In this way, it reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease. Moreover, it also helps in the case of high blood pressure and reduced hypertension by up to 8%.

Immune system

Garlic is a real superfood when it comes to the strengthening of the immune system. Studies have shown that the consumption of a daily garlic supplement lowers the risk of flu and colds by a whopping 63%. Moreover, it is incredibly effective in the case of Staph infections, and also accelerates the treatment of ear infections.

Cancer prevention

Research has shown that the more garlic a person regularly consumes, the more the risk of liver cancer, colorectal cancer, and stomach cancer is lowered.

Growing garlic at home

Garlic is easy to grow at home, even if you have a small place and can garden a few plants, of you, have a big garden outside the house. In all cases, adding it to your homegrown plants will provide many benefits.

Moreover, always plant organic garlic. Non-organic garlic included numerous chemicals which have been added to prevent it from sprouting well when planted.  Also, make sure you plant it in October, before the ground freezes.

Additionally, the soil should be fertile and loose. Top it with 2-3 inches of organic matter, and make shallow furrows 6 inches apart.

Then, break apart the garlic heads, and choose the largest ones for planting, while the smaller ones can be used in the kitchen. Then, distribute the cloves 4 inches apart in the furrows, and 3 inches deep.

Next, add dirt in the holes, and pour some water. If you want, you can add some dead leaves or compost, and then, wait.

You should fertilize the plants in spring, water when the soil is really dry an inch below the surface. Furthermore, make sure you remove any flowers that grow.

You should pull the green leaves of the plant as soon as they are 5 or 6. If you want, you can eat the harvest right away, or you can store them for later. Therefore, you need to clean them well, and then hang them in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place.

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