Natural Remedies

For All Smokers: This Natural Home Remedy Will Help You Quit Smoking

Smoking is an addictive and it`s very hard to stop it even you try to do it a lot of times. This habit is strong despites all the attempts and you feel hopeless. There is one natural recipe on Internet for quit smoking and many people said that is very effective.

The ingredients are very simply and the author of the recipe says that you will stop the cigarettes forever.


Ingredients needed for the recipe :

  • a half of grapefruit
  • a half of orange
  • 30 ml coconut oil
  • 5 gr oregano
  • 20 ml chamomile tea
  • 30 ml jojoba oil
  • 30 ml olive oil

The way to prepare this medicine is very easy:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the grapefriut and from the orange ;
  2. Mix all the ingredients in a big pot and stir it until you`ll have a homogeneous mixture ;
  3. After that , put the mixture in small jars suitable to take them everywhere with you ;

The mixture needs to be applied on the skin under the nose or put a few drops on a piece of cotton to inhale deeply whenever you feel a need to smoke.