Health Herbs & Oils

Olive Oil – Health Benefits

Olive oil, the most beneficial oil, a real source of health, real medicine that offers many benefits to the organism. Olive oil is the best choice for your salads and your meals.

Olive oil is rich in carotenoids and has a large reserve of antioxidants. High quality-cold pressed olive oil contains vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids that are extremely beneficial for the body. Olive oil is a real “warehouse of material” that is needed for the body.

We will present what are the health benefits of using olive oil.

Olive oil strengthens immunity, protects the heart and blood vessels, and also acts against chronic degenerative diseases. Unlike some other products, olive oil was studied and tested many times, and its benefits are recorded and validated in many scientific medical journals and portals.
Olive oil is a protector of the gastric. In its composition there are strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Olive oil is a good protector from atherosclerosis, as well as diabetes and almost all other metabolic disorders. Olive oil is a great choice for people who suffer from high triglycerides and cholesterol, so it is recommended to replace the sunflower oil with olive oil. In some studies that was tested the ability of olive oil against cancer, was proved that olive oil has a high protective role especially when it comes to colon and breast cancer.
It is recommended to all who suffer from these diseases to use regularly the olive oil in their diet!

Scientists believe that olive oil is great in the regulation of blood sugar, because in the last research was proved that the meals with olive oil have less power to rapidly increase the blood sugar. Scientists say that a small amount of olive oil, can really affect on the blood pressure, i.e. to reduce the blood pressure.

Almost there is no organ in the body that has not benefit from regular consumption of olive oil. Unless mentioned benefits, olive oil is good for people with asthma, people with peptic ulcer and any inflammatory diseases.
It is important to know: When buying olive oil, be sure it is authenticated and pure, without additives.

Olive oil is more than a boon and “liquid health”. It is important to mention that most of the above beneficial effects are coming from the cold pressed olive oil. Considering the characteristics and nutritional status, it is recommended to use in every meal and salad as an ideal replacement for other types of oils.

We can say that olive oil is a boon for almost all organs in our body, so use the olive oil in every veggie salad and meal, so they could become real “bombs” filled with health.

Health Healthy Drinks Herbs & Oils Natural Remedies

Herbal Remedies Against Spring Allergies

Mother Nature provides us a few remedies that can help against allergies (coughing and sneezing) during the spring days. Spring means different and new things for everyone, but for many people it means watery eyes, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies every spring, you should not care for that anymore! Mother Nature made sure to provide us with several medications that can help us or to completely remove the coughing and sneezing.

Here are some of the best herbal remedies against spring allergies:

1. Chamomile

The powerful natural anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile help with dry and itchy eyes. Hold for three to five minutes, cooled chamomile tea bags on your eyes. Repeat the process several times during the day.

2. Nettle

Nettle acts as antihistamine and helps to reduce allergy symptoms such as sneezing and itching eyes. Try with nettle tea (make this tea with nettle leaves), and drink it every day.

3. Mint

Mint is an excellent remedy for the respiratory tract. Your breathing can be improved if you drink tea from fresh or dried mint.

4. Thyme

Thyme tea has amazing benefits. This tea can treat cough and breathlessness caused by allergies, and has calming effect on inflamed throat. Use fresh thyme and make this tea.

5. Honey

Honey is a great remedy that relieves coughing and throat inflammation. One teaspoon of honey and a cup of tea can you really help you to get rid of your cough.

6. Ginger

Ginger relieves the irritation of inflamed throat and is very powerful in combination with honey.
Make a tea from fresh ginger:
In a hot water add 5 grams grated fresh ginger, and boil for about 10 minutes. Then drain it and add a teaspoon of honey. To calm the symptoms of allergy, also you can use ginger powder.

7. Hot pepper

Hot pepper is a rich source of bioflavonoids that prevent the release of histamine, quercetin and other chemicals that cause the inflammation and allergic symptoms.

Health Healthy Drinks Herbs & Oils

Chamomile – Universal Natural Remedy

Chamomile is a panacea, said the fans of traditional medicine. Chamomile tea is well-known to us, we all use chamomile tea, and this tea is recommended for many health problems. Is chamomile an universal natural medicine and so helpful, read the text that follows …

-Chamomile is an annual herb that grows up to 30 cm. It has a white-yellow flowers and can be found in almost all fields and meadows. We all know that chamomile is a synonym for tea, but except that chamomile is used for making many preparations that are used
especially in cosmetics.

Benefits of chamomile tea:

    • It stimulates digestion
    • It lowers body temperature
    • It relieves pain
    • Acts against rashes
    • Conjunctivitis
    • Dermatitis
    • Depression
    • Migraine
    • Acne etc..

Chamomile tea is especially good for calming the nervous system. If you are under constant stress at work or home, you should regularly consume chamomile tea. After a few days regularly consuming, you will notice a drastic change. You will feel more relaxed and happier.

Chamomile tea is especially effective for people who have problems with hair loss. If you’re one of those who have this problem, wash your hair with chamomile tea. It is proven that hair loss is significantly reduced by this treatment.

If you are in the group of women who regularly have menstrual cramps during the menstrual cycle, then soak a clean cloth with hot chamomile tea and place it over the belly. According to some research this method relieves menstrual cramps, and is good to be combined with drinking chamomile tea. This is much better and much healthier than using strong analgesics.

So also we can say that the drugs made of chamomile tea are really effective. We live in a time where stress is an inevitable part of our daily lives, so let the chamomile tea be always in your hand.

General Herbs & Oils Vegetables

Parsley – More Than Just A Simple Spice

Parsley is one of the far most used spices(widely cultivated as an herb and a vegetable) in the world. It has an excellent flavor, and a lovely green color. Therefore, parsley is used as a decorator of various dishes, especially salads. At the markets can be found throughout the whole year, but the healthiest way is, when the parsley will be grown in your garden.

Some of us routinely add the parsley in the preparation of food, others avoid it, believing as unnecessary, still others would gladly like to use it, but they forgot to get, because they do not put on the list of important supplies. Everyone knows parsley as a spice, but rarely who know that, the parsley is a plant with a lot of nutrients, and curative effect.

First of all, we need to mention the decorative power of parsley. It has interesting and nicely shaped branches, with striking green color, so each salad/meal, which is decorated with parsley, has irresistible look.

Parsley contains many essential oils, flavonoids and vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin A. According to some research, parsley increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood, which makes the blood more powerful in “fighting” against the free radicals, and also reduces the risk of cancer. Some essential oils, that contain parsley, also have antioxidant effect.

Parsley is known to people as protector of the heart and blood vessels. It contains a lot of folic acid, which is an important factor for the protection of the heart and blood vessels, and also has an important role in the processes of the organism, to be carried out properly.

Parsley is recommended especially for people who have a heart attack or stroke survivor, as well for those who suffer from arteriosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. According to some research, parsley is an excellent nutrient, which provides protection against rheumatoid arthritis, given to the ingredients that parsley contains, and the high levels of vitamin C.

Several tips plus:

  • Fresh parsley is much better than dry, if you have to buy dry, then choose organic
  • Buy parsley with conspicuous green color. Do not buy parsley with yellow color, because it is a sign of damaged and old one
  • Never throw the excess parsley. Shred it, and leave it to dry. It’s an excellent addition to some liquid meal, like soup/ stew
  • Parsley can be used in almost any dish, it causes no side effects

So, today we learned that, parsley is not just an ordinary spice as you might have thought so far. It is equally useful as well as other products from your garden, so it is okay to use regularly in your soups, stews or any other main dishes. It is a powerful guardian of your health, and it’s easy to procure. Therefore, use the parsley in larger quantities, and regularly in your diet.

Beauty Health Herbs & Oils

Amazing Herbal Oils For Skin Care

Most of the people do not like the idea of herbal oil massages, because it reminds them of oily, shiny skin. But they are wrong, because the herbal oils are the basis for the proper feeding of the skin.

Herbal oils are rich in a whole range of ingredients and vitamins, which help you to care and feed your skin, whether you have dry, oily, sensitive or skin prone to acne.

For proper care, you need to use high quality herbal oil. This means that in the process of preparing the herbal oil, the temperature must not exceed more than 65 ° C, because it would also damage all molecules and vitamins that are found in the herbs.

Also all of these herbal oils have a very affordable price, and you do not need any knowledge on how to use, so forget about the all excuses, and start to take care for your skin properly.

Argan oil is rich in oleic and linoleic acid, carotene and vitamin E. Suitable for dry, mature skin, helps in regeneration, so it is often used to control dermatitis and psoriasis.

Avocado oil – rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E and beta-carotene. It has dark green color, sweet taste and can be quickly absorbed by the skin. It is ideal for the care of dry, dehydrated and mature skin, and skin prone to infections.

Almond oil – it is recommended for sensitive children’s skin care, and also helps in the care of dry and sensitive skin, prone to itching and irritation.

Hazelnut oilis one of the best natural tanning oils. It is also one of the best fast absorbing oils. Suitable for oily skin, skin prone to acne, sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation.

Walnut oil – fast-absorbing oil with a mild aroma. Contains palmitoleic acid, that is contained in the sebum (natural fatty substance in the skin), so it is ideal for the treatment of dry and dehydrated skin.

Wild Rose oil – this is one of the most precious cosmetic oils. This oil will provide you with amazing results in the regeneration of damaged skin, scars, burns, stretch marks, wrinkles, acne … Because it is very difficult to find this oil, you can use oil of St. John’s wort, because they have very similar features.

Sesame oil– rich in vitamins, minerals, lecithin, linoleic and oleic acid. It is ideal for the care of sensitive skin prone to irritation. The main function of this oil, is to remove dirt from the pores, so it is recommended for smoker’s skin care, and for those who fight against cellulite.

All these oils are very useful for our skin, but that does not mean that you have to limit yourself, so you can always add some essential oil of your choice. These oils are suitable for face skin and body skin and also are excellent for hair care.

Our helpful advice: if you are afraid of beeing all over in oily layer, you can make your own mixture consisting of half a bottle of herbal oil by your choice, and the other half recharge with water. Always shake it before use. You’ll have no oily traces, because the oil will be absorbed faster into your skin.

Diet & Weight Loss Health Herbs & Oils

Top 6 Herbs And Their Health Benefits

These top six herbs will help you in the detoxification of the body,speed up the metabolism, reduce the appetite, and help in weight loss.

The leaves and roots of nettles are the most important ingredients of tea and herbal drops. They help to purify the blood, stimulate the liver to work better, clean the fat from blood, and help to increase the circulation. Also, the nettle helps in the digestion of fatty foods.


-Chamomile essential oil helps in gastritis and hepatitis, stimulates perspiration, boost the metabolism, helps in bloating and nausea. Chamomile is the first herb that has a mild sedative effect – helps against stress, anxiety, hunger, soothes and improves sleep.

– Also called balm gentle, or lemon balm. Used as a scent in perfumery, as a flavouring in such foods as soups, salads, sauces, and stuffings, and as a flavouring in wine, liqueurs, and fruit drinks. Calms and relaxes the body, reduce the pain and spasms and also improve your sleep. Balm was used in medicinal teas, as a diaphoretic.

-Blueberry leaves contain a large amount of anthocyanin and Vaccinium angustifolium Ait – substance that regulates the blood sugar, stimulate the pancreatic work, and in general the whole metabolism. Blueberry fruits increase the blood circulation and improve the function of kidney, liver and bile.

Hibiscus tea contains 15-30% organic acids, including citric acid, malic acid, and tartaric acid. Hibiscus flowers usually contain a large amount of fruit acids and vitamin C. It also contains acidic polysaccharides and flavonoid glycosides, such as delphinidin and cyaniding, that give its characteristic deep red colour.

-Fruits of anise, with their essential oils help in bloating, gastritis, stomach and liver pain. Anise helps in the digestion of fatty foods. It’s used in respiratory diseases: inflammation of the throat, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma. Anise also has been used to treat menstrual cramps.
Anise Tea(how to use)
2-5 grams of dried and “crushed” anise fruit pour with 150 ml boiling water. Leave it covered about 15 minutes, and drain it. During the day drink 2 to 4 cups of fresh tea between meals.

Beauty Health Herbs & Oils

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and Its Uses

Simply said, coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils that can be used in the diet, the safest cosmetic product in the market, and required component of everyone’s drug locker. Today we will learn more about the health benefits of coconut oil and its uses.

Coconut is composed of about 50% of lauric acid, the same acid found in breast milk, which actually is the only other good known source of lauric acid. This acid, gives the coconut oil an amazing antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, and is useful both, for internal and external use. Coconut is rich in nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals.


-Many studies have shown that, the consumption of coconut oil can be very useful to our body, to build resistance to viruses (which cause influenza, measles, hepatitis, herpes) and bacteria (responsible for ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and gonorrhea), also fungal infections and candida. It also positively affects on the thyroid, and controls the blood sugar.

Coconut oil contains a healthy form of saturated fat, which means its consumption helps in speeding up the metabolism, while giving more energy (fuel for the brain and muscles) and greater stamina. All these affect in the loss of excess weight, and maintain a healthy and balanced weight.

Health Healthy Drinks Herbs & Oils

10 Types Of Tea And Their Health Benefits

Tea is a favorite beverage that refreshes and warms in winter days, offering health benefits while you are enjoying in drinking. These benefits can be also felt in the hot summer days by home prepared iced teas.

Nettle Tea

►Cleans the stomach, intestines and liver
► Anemia
► Hemorrhoids
► Jaundice
► Malaria and all other types of fevers


Chamomile Tea
► Abdominal pain
► Colds
Infections of the skin and mucous membranes
► Remedy for insomnia
►Migraine headaches

Thyme Tea

► Problems with digestive organs
► Colds
► Bladder Problems
► Calming and good sleep
► Bad Breath

St John’s (Klamath weed) Tea
► Increase immunity
► Wash wounds for faster healing
►Better function of the digestive tract
► Better sleep

Green Tea
►Reduce the risk of cancer
Preventing heart disease and stroke
►Helps in melting the fat tissue
►Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.
►Helps to strengthen the immune system


Parsley Tea
►Helps with high blood pressure
►Lower the cholesterol
►Helps with allergies


Mountain Tea
► Better appetite
► Colds and flu
► Angina
► Helps with the disorder of the digestive organs


Hibiscus Tea
► High blood pressure
► Cholesterol
► Keep fresh and energetic throughout the day


Bars Tea
Improve metabolism and immunity
► Relaxes blood vessels
►Helps with high blood pressure


Mint Tea

► Reduce the abdominal pain
► Better appetite and digestion
► Respiratory problems