Health Health Tips

Nurses Show How To Drain Mucus From The Lungs (Video)

The focus of the attention of the entire world remains on COVID-19 and its terrible consequences on infected patients all around the world.

We, on the other hand, are all staying at home, willing to learn if there is a way to protect ourselves and our family from the fast-spreading virus.

Since the virus can dramatically affect the lungs and lead to respiratory buildup, the medical team at Huntington Hospital uses a relatively simple procedure to eliminate mucus buildup in the lungs of their critically ill patients- they turn them on their stomachs and gravity helps them do the job.

Michael Grosso, the medical director explained:

“We think this is helpful because, in other similar lung conditions, we have found it to work in the past. Keeping patients prone opens both the airways and gets more oxygen into air sacs and improves circulation to the lungs.”

Yet, he added:

“Don’t forget that these are patients who are usually already receiving mechanical ventilation, with a breathing tube in their windpipe, and tubes that are placed into their blood vessels, and when you are turning a patient, under those circumstances, it requires several people.”

A video recently shared online shows two nurses that demonstrate to us how to pat the back of a patient infected with the virus to drain mucus from the lungs.

The two nurses suggest the “CPT” method as a way to help people with the virus, or anyone affected by a similar respiratory issue and in need to keep the airways open properly and get rid of mucus.

This method, “Chest Physiotherapy” (CPT), drains the lungs and mobilizes the airflow by expanding the lungs, strengthening the breathing muscles, and loosening and boosting the drainage of thick lung secretions.

It involves the use of gravity, to promote the fluid release, and percussion, a caretaker clapping the person inflicted around the lung area. The main nurse in the video also advises the consumption of lots of hot water and tea to help drain the lungs.

She even adds that parents can do it a few times a day even their children are well.

During the pandemic, suggestions of this kind are potential life-saving information, so make sure you watch the video and learn the technique.


General Health

‘Organic’ Food From China Found To Be Highly Contaminated

At a time of growing awareness of the power of food to improve or devastate our health, people are turning to safer and healthier foods and regimes. It seems that there is an organic alternative to whatever you need to buy from the store these days.

Organic foods, grown and processed without the use of chemicals, seem to be the biggest trend now when it comes to food. Organic crops are grown with compost or manure, by natural control of weeds and pests.

Animals are not treated with antibiotics and are fed organic, hormone, and GMO- free foods. Organic foods are much more expensive than conventional foods, but they are highly beneficial. They are rich in nutrients, like polyphenols, which produce antioxidants that prevent free radical damage.

Moreover, organic foods are abundant in the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. A 2016 study has found that they contain 50% more of these fatty acids than conventional products.

What’s more, growing organic foods is environment- friendly way and it does not contribute to pollution.

A 2014 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition suggests that organically grown crops are less likely to contain detectable pesticide levels and cadmium.

They are also safer as they are produced without antibiotics, according to Rolf Halden, Professor, and Director of the Bio design Center for Environmental Security at Arizona State University.

Therefore, consuming organic products is not only a move toward a healthier way of being, but at the same time, it is better for the Earth, the water, the animals and the environment.

But wait before you make a final decision, as the organic food you are buying might not be organic at all!

Namely, there are numerous organic products imported in the U.S. from China and some of them have been found to be far from organic.

The head of the Organic Program at the United States’ Department of Agriculture (USDA), Miles McEvoy, stated:

“China is a major producer of organic products, and there are continual questions about the integrity of products coming from China.” 

Here is why these foods are not considered organic:

  • The environment in China is dramatically polluted, with the soil and water rich in heavy metals like cadmium and lead. A Greenpeace report suggested that “contamination of soil with a number of toxic metals, including cadmium and lead, is known to be an existing problem for many parts of Hunan Province, China.” Dr. Xia Hanbing, manager of Shanghai Tianzai Fruits and Vegetables Specialized Co-op added that it is difficult for farmers to grow organic foods, as “‘organic’ calls for certain soil and water standards, and because vegetables are part of the food chain, they’re especially vulnerable to diseases and pests” and “the current eco-friendly measures to combat these problems are not yet developed enough to fully replace pesticides.”
  • Organic products from China are poorly regulated, as there are not grown by clear standards, or under the supervision of any officially recognized body
  • Some producers just add fake “organic” tags on their products and thus sell them for a higher price.
  • The products cannot be trusted because they can be certified by third-party vendors, as there are not enough certifiers accredited by the USDA. According to the website of the Chinese Organic Food Classification Centre (COFCC), they are “a special organization responsible for organic agriculture promotion and engaged in organic-food certification and management under the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture,” but they only inspect 30% of organic products.

Not all organic food imported from China is problematic, but we need to be more careful, as the country is the third greatest exporter of agricultural products to the United States.

It  would also be wise to avoid foods from China until they enforce better regulations, even if they are labeled “organic’.

Even if the certificate has not been forged, you should consider the possible effects of the die environmental situation of the country.

Unfortunately, you cannot fully avoid buying fake organic products, but there are things you should know:

  • If it is specifically labeled as containing no GMOs, it is probably organic
  • Check for an “organic certificate”, and if the product has it, look up the company to see if it is legit
  • “Organic” products that cost less than traditional products are probably fake
  • It is probably not organic if it claims to be ‘fortified’ with synthetic vitamins

Switching to organic foods is one of the best decisions you can make to improve your health and wellbeing, so don’t allow this to deter you.

Yet, to stay on the safe side, it would be best to grow your own garden, or find a reliable, local vendor and buy your organic produce from him.


Health Health Tips

Daytime Naps Boost Your Heart And Brain Health, Reduce Stress And Much More

No matter what I do during the day, I just love to have a short siesta in the afternoon. Napping is the sweetest time of the day for many people like me, but apparently, it is highly beneficial as well.

This mini-vacation during the day is an easy way to relax and rejuvenate, and give the body the needed boost so it can deal with everything that happened during the day, repair itself and reset for tomorrow.

The lack of sleep can have detrimental effects on our health, but unfortunately, our hectic lifestyles rarely leave time for proper rest.

Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to serious health problems, as sleep is crucial for brain function. Namely, it is linked to increased activity of the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system. This, in turn, causes chronic stress that affects the metabolism and the circadian rhythm, and leads to chronic systemic inflammation.

This might be the reason behind your depression and anxiety, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, arthritis, weight gain, general body pain, gastrointestinal problems, hormonal imbalance, and infections.

The lack of sleep can also trigger mood disorders, memory issues, and cognitive and performance deficits.

This is why a midday nap can be of great help:

  • A study published in the BMJ Journal, Heart, showed that the risk of cardiovascular disease and CVD events was lower in people who napped even just twice per week. Yue Leng, Ph.D., and Dr. Kristine Yaffe, of the University of California, San Francisco, commented: “While the exact physiological pathways linking daytime napping to [cardiovascular disease] risk is not clear. This research] contributes to the ongoing debate on the health implications of napping and suggests that it might not only be the duration, but also the frequency that matters.”
  • Numerous scientists claim that 60 to 90 minutes of napping can be as beneficial for the brain as a full night’s sleep. A 2010 Harvard University study showed that even short naps boost memory and learning capabilities
  • Bill Anthony, an American psychologist, and director of the Harvard University Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center claims that naps drastically lower cortisol levels in the body. Nowadays, our stress-high lifestyles keep the sympathetic nervous system constantly active, which triggers the release of epinephrine (aka- adrenaline) into your bloodstream, and the levels of cortisol increase.
  • Even a short nap in the afternoon boosts alertness and reaction time and helps us become less impulsive and more tolerant of frustration. University of Michigan doctoral student Jennifer Goldschmied explains: “Frustration tolerance is one facet of emotion regulation. I suspect sleeping gives us more distance [from an emotional event] — it’s not just about the passing of time.

A nap has been found to be even more efficient than caffeine in terms of improving perceptual learning and memory consolidation.

Yet, although you might know all the benefits of napping, you might not have enough time to enjoy a 90-minute nap in the middle of the day. Most experts explain that if you are not sleep deprived, napping for 20-30 minutes is enough to refresh you.

Here is what you can expect from your nap:

  • 20-minute nap: Improves mental alertness, memory, and motor learning skills.
  • 20 to 30-minute nap: Boosts memory and creativity
  • 30 to 60-minute nap: Enhances your decision-making skills and memory
  • 60 to 90-minute nap: This is the most beneficial nap, as it ensures REM sleep, restarts the brain, and improves your problem-solving skills.

Choose a dark and quiet room, with a comfortable temperature. Some studies suggest that just spending time in bed can be beneficial, but it is better to try and nap.

Timing is very important, so sleeping for the wrong length of time can lead to sleep inertia, and you will end up feeling groggy and even more tired than before.

Also, aim to nap in the early afternoon, as napping after three in the afternoon can interfere with your night sleep. Just like in the morning, you will need a few minutes to be alert, so allow yourself some time to properly wake up.


Health Health Tips

11 Health Dangers Of Sitting Too Long, And How It’s Slowly Crippling Your Body

Experts are constantly warning us about the dangers of prolonged sitting. Our sedentary lifestyles, combined with regular stress, seriously endanger our health, so many people have developed different conditions as are a result of it.

We sit behind our desks at work, come home and immediately turn on the TV to watch a show, our kids keep staring in the screens while sitting, most of us do not exercise, we go everywhere by car..

Do I need to add more?

Prolonged sitting, known as sedentary behavior, can dramatically endanger our health, and lead to health issues such as cardiovascular problems, type 2 diabetes and even premature death.

This unhealthy behavior is often compared to smoking due to the negative effects, and some researchers even claim that “sitting is the new smoking.”

According to Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.:

“Any extended sitting — such as at a desk, behind a wheel or in front of a screen — can be harmful. An analysis of 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying posed by obesity and smoking.”

The human body is designed to stand upright, and in this way, all its organs are more efficient. Physically active people have stronger bones, have more energy and endurance, and are generally much healthier.

Here are 11 reasons why you should avoid sitting for too long:

1. Prolonged sitting raises the risk of colon, lung, and endometrial cancer, and older women that lead sedentary lifestyles are at an increased risk of breast cancer

2. A study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine showed that even if they exercise, people who sit for too long have a higher risk of premature death

3. Prolonged sitting slows down everything in the body, even the function of the brain. The less we move, the less fresh blood and oxygen get pumped into the brain, and this reduces the release of chemicals and productivity

4. As we sit, our abs start to loosen, the hip flexors shorten, and the legs become weaker. It also causes poor balance and stability and raises the risk of injuries and bone fractures

5. Siting can also lead to obesity, as 30% more calories are burned while standing, and according to Tel Aviv University researchers, sitting for too long can develop fatty tissue cells known as preadipocyte cells.

6. Prolonged sitting leads to increased blood sugar levels, and even a change in the way our body reacts to insulin, eventually leading to diabetes

7. People whose job requires sitting have increased rate of heart disease, as their muscles burn less fat and the blood flow is slowed down, leading to fatty acids build-up

8. Insulin is produced by our pancreas, and this hormone helps carry glucose to our cells for energy. When inactive, our body does not respond properly to the release of insulin, and this organ becomes over-productive

9. Elongated sitting can also increase the risk of herniated lumbar disks, due to the increased pressure on the spine.

According to Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., “When you sit, you distort the natural curve of the spine, which means your back muscles have to do something to hold your back in shape because you’re no longer using the natural curves of the spine to lift yourself up against gravity.”

10. Elongated sitting can also lead to neck pain and poor body posture

11. Inactivity creates an imbalance of the softs dicks between the vertebrae, and they become starved of important nutrients. Collagen, that supports the spine, hardens around the tendons, and thus reduces the flexibility of the back and causes stiffening

Therefore, we all need to make the necessary changes and prevent the damage that prolonged sitting causes to our bodies. Start practicing yoga, start walking, take a stroll around the office, and stretch every half an hour while at work.

The effects of movement will be profound. The body will start burning more calories, leading to more energy and weight loss, your muscles will be toned, your mental well-being will be boosted, and your entire body will become stronger and healthier.


Health Vegetables

Eat More Beets and Boost Recovery, Fight Inflammation, Support Liver Detox And Help Lower Blood Pressure

Beets are probably not your favorite veggie, maybe because your mother insisted on you eating it when you were young. Well, you might hate me for this, but she had a good reason for it.

In fact, she had numerous good reasons for it!

Beets are packed with countless important nutrients and offer a myriad of health benefits. They can be used in so many ways in the kitchen, as their earthy taste when raw, sweet when roasted, and tart when fermented, goes great in salads, soups, juices, smoothies, pickles, noodles, and desserts.

Apart from being delicious and versatile, beets boost health too!

First of all, they are abundant in nutrients, rich in fiber and water, and low in calories. They are rich in manganese, potassium, folate, and vitamins C, A, and K.

Namely, 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of cooked beetroot contains:

  • Calories: 44
  • Protein: 1.7 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin C: 6% of the RDI
  • Folate: 20% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 3% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 6% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 9% of the RDI
  • Phosphorus: 4% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 16% of the RDI
  • Iron: 4% of the RDI

Note that beet leaves are higher in vitamins and minerals than their root. Beet greens are richer in iron than spinach, and contain protein, zinc, magnesium, potassium, B6, copper, fiber, phosphorus, and manganese.

These beneficial vegetables are a unique source of phytonutrients called betalains. Two of them, betanin and vulgaxanthin, offer potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support.

Here are some of the health benefits of beets:

  • Beet juice has been found to improve heart health, as it boosts muscle capacity in people diagnosed with heart failure and poor reduced ability to exercise
  • Beets are high in fiber, which lowers the risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and colon cancer, and improves digestive health
  • Beets strengthen immunity since they contain high amounts of zinc, copper, and vitamins A and C
  • Betaine in beets detoxifies the liver and even reverses a fatty liver
  • Beets contain naturally occurring nitrates that turn into nitric oxide, that dilates and relaxes blood vessels. This boosts blood flow and lowers blood pressure
  • Beets contain betalains, that offer potent anti-inflammatory properties, and researchers have found that they soothe pain and discomfort in the case of osteoarthritis and boos the function of the joints
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin in beets positively affect eye health
  • Beet juice boosts stamina and improves athletic performance as a result of the high nitric oxide conversion
  • The improved blood flow caused by nitric oxide, in turn, improves the function of the brain
  • A study done on human cells found that beetroot extract reduced the growth of both breast and prostate cancer cells
  • Beets can boost your libido, due to the mineral boron they contain, which plays a role in sex hormone production, and the dietary nitrates that improve blood flow

When buying beets, choose form, medium-sized beets, and avoid the wrinkles and soft ones. If you buy beets with leaves, trim the leaves two inches from the root, and store them in a container or a storage bag for up to four days.

You can keep beets in the fridge for up to three weeks, in a food storage bag or in one of its drawers.

Note that beets are high in sugar, so avoid them in excessive amounts in case you are a diabetic, and due to the high oxalate content, you should limit their consumption if you have gout, bladder or kidney stones.



What Happens When You Don’t Wash Your Sheets

Our bed should be our special place, the spot where we take the much-needed rest, where we keep dreaming, and where we spend some of the most exciting love moments.

Yet, if you are not washing the bedsheets regularly, believe me, it is far from special.

Every week, we spend from 49 to 63 hours between the sheets, leaving tons of oil, sweat, dirt, dead skin, bacteria, and germs behind.

Dr. Lisa Ackerley, Hygiene Doctor, and Dettol Expert, claims that we become prone to serious viruses and infections unless we wash the sheets weekly:

“Think of all the things you do in bed. Apart from being the place where we go to sleep, it can double up as the home office, the tea room, the dining table or even your dog or cat’s bed.

Depending upon what your bed is used for, and also how clean you are when you get in it (and indeed whether you wear nightwear), your bed can get pretty filthy and may actually be causing your body harm.”

Here are several reasons why washing the bedding should be your frequent routine:

1. Dust mites, tiny organisms that can cause allergies, aggravate asthma, and lead to eczema flare-up, feed on dead skin cells, that we are constantly shedding throughout the day and pile up in the bedding

2. The thousands of dead skin cells, saliva, and sweat we leave on the sheets are a perfect environment for bacteria and viruses.

According to one study, unwashed sheets had between three million and five million CFUs (colony-forming units) per square inch for just one week. Pillowcases had over seventeen thousand times more bacteria than on a toilet seat.

3. Acne might be caused by bacteria, dead skin cells, and dirt accumulated on the pillowcase

4. If you wake up with itchy bite marks, they might be caused by bed bugs, blood-sucking insects, that can be killed by washing the sheets with hot water

5. If you have a pet, you must be extra vigilant when it comes to the sheets, as their hair makes the bed even more attractive to dust mites

Now, here are some tips to help you sleep on a clean, safe, and bug-free bed every night:

  • Turn back the covers to let the moisture dry for a few minutes before you make the bed
  • Wash the sheets once a week with hot water to disinfect them
  • Vacuum the mattress a few times a year
  • You should wash the bedding more frequently if you are sick, sleep nude, or go to bed without showering after a workout or being outside for a long time
  • Wash the pillows at least twice a year, as well as the duvets and other coverings
  • Change the sheets often if you sweat a lot during the night, you eat in bed, or if you sleep with your kids or pets
  • Apart from the use of hypoallergenic detergent, Joshua Zeichner, MD, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, suggests the use of fragrance-free detergent, but only in the recommended amount, as overdosing “ means that the detergent molecules themselves can become lodged between fibers of the fabrics” and lead to irritation reactions.


Health Life

Doctors Now Have To Warn Women Not To Stick Wasp Nests In Their Lady Parts

Apart from the countless benefits of the internet and social media, one of the major drawbacks is the appearance of numerous bizarre beauty trends, strange fashion tips, suspicious natural remedies, and articles full of fake info.

Yet, what surprises me is that a lot of people would try or believe anything they read about online!

A Malaysian “health shop” advising the consumption and insertion of mushed up oak galls into the vagi*a, as a way to clean, heal, and tighten it in an “organic” way, has enraged doctors.

The product was offered on the e-commerce site Etsy. According to its instructions, women should boil the oak galls, and use them as a hygiene wash around the time of their period.

Moreover, to “restore elasticity of the uterine wall”, customers are advised to drink a boiled oak gall for 40 days.

The product was also advertised as a way to “heal episiotomy cuts, rejuvenate the uterine wall and clean out the vagi*a” after childbirth, but women were warned that its application might “burn”.

Oak galls are created by gall wasps, and are small spheres, usually 2 to 4 centimeters in diameter.

The larvae of the wasps live within these galls, which are created by inducing the tree to produce abnormal growths.

The shop’s listing claimed:

“The galls, which contain tannin and small amounts of gallic acid and ellagic acid have antimicrobial qualities and are used in South East Asia, Malaysia, and Indonesia by women after childbirth to restore the elasticity of the uterine wall.

Some women take mankanni [oak galls] to improve their sex life; some say that it can tighten vagi*a, so they say.”

Yet, it has been removed after people were advised not to be fooled by such pseudoscientific claims.

Oak galls do offer some medicinal properties, but they are not meant to tighten or restore the vagi*a.

Also, the potential side-effects of their application are numerous, so trying such a product is not worth it. Oak galls contain astringents, which can dry out and irritate the vagi*a, leading to painful increased friction during intercourse and bad infections.

Such “alternative medicine remedies” are potentially harmful as they are not scientifically backed up.

Dr. Jen Gunter, a certified gynecologist, wrote a blog post about this practice, called: “Don’t put ground-up wasp nest in your vagi*a”, explaining:

“Drying the vagi*al mucosa increases the risk of abrasions during sex (not good) and destroys the protective mucous layer (not good). It could also wreak havoc with the good bacteria. In addition to causing pain during sex, it can increase the risk of HIV transmission… This is a dangerous practice with real potential to harm.”

She adds:

“Here’s a pro-tip, if something burns when you apply it to the vagi*a it is generally bad for the vagi*a.”


Health Life

Art Therapy Is Finally Being Taken Seriously As A Tool For Boosting Health

Art gives us a unique opportunity to express ourselves, as it reveals our most intimate emotions, considerations, fears, and dreams, to the rest of the world. Most people find art relaxing, soothing, and inspiring.

Yet, it turns out that it can offer us much more than many of us hoped for, as scientists suggest that it is an effective way to treat some health issues, solve complex feelings and problems, and find relief.

In a recent report, the World Health Organization’s Regional Office of Europe investigated the potential power of art therapy, ultimately suggesting that it has potent therapeutic effects.

People’s drawings are one of the best ways to reveal their inner preoccupations, so it is no wonder that art has been present in psychotherapy since the advent of the field. Psychotherapists have used it to discover the deep unconscious beliefs of their patients.

Dr. Sheridan Linnell, who runs the Master of Art Therapy course at the University of Western Sydney, says:

“Often creativity helps you to express parts of yourself that are being hidden. Expression through art can be healing in itself, and it can also be a stepping stone for being able to make sense of yourself and express your story to others.”

Therefore, art therapy is not new, but the WHO needed over five decades to address it, and this means that a leading global health power has finally taken notice.

Practically since the advent of their field, psychotherapists have been borrowing from art teachers to help their patients express and resolve their problems. Similarly to the way dreams reveal a lot about someone’s inner preoccupations, the pictures people make reflect their deep, unconscious beliefs.

Interpreting pictures is actually way simpler than you might think. No shamanism involved—people tend to draw pretty much exactly what they’re feeling. If you’re curious, pick up a book on the subject and you’ll be a master art therapist in no time

According to The American Art Therapy Association, art therapy is an approach to mental health that utilizes the process of creating art to improve mental, physical, and emotional health.

Art therapy can use various techniques, such as drawing, painting, coloring, sculpting, or collage.

Yet, art can be beneficial for people who do not have artistic abilities or special talents as well. Some researchers claim that only the presence of art can boost health, and its advantages can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

The WHO report reviews more than 900 art therapy-related studies, and concludes that art does affect physical and mental health.

According to the report, these findings “lend credibility to the assertion that the overall evidence base shows a robust impact of the arts on both mental and physical health.”

According to Girija Kaimal, an associate professor at Drexel University’s creative arts therapies department, the report supports the idea that art can be a powerful therapeutic tool. Yet, she adds that it also has some flaws:

“I think that the fact that this is funded by the World Health Organization, even if it is just the regional office for Europe, lends a lot of heft and credibility. Beyond that, I’m not sure it offers anything for the field of art therapy.”

This report investigates the effects of art in a broad view, both, when creating art, and when consuming art.

The report claims that cultural engagement, such as going out to concerts, museums, or exhibitions, deepens cognitive reserve, but it also suggests that music has calming effects on children during dental visits, and the songs of a choir boosted the mood of patients who suffered stroke-related brain damage.

Kaimal says that this is the main drawback of the report, as in this case, it is impossible to tell how the people who received art “treatments” actually got them, either with the help of licensed professionals, or they just went to a museum, for example.

She adds that “when you don’t specify, you can cause harm because if people go into settings without adequate training and understanding of the population they’re working with, art might not always be the most helpful.”

That’s not to say that experiencing art in a non-therapeutic context isn’t restorative or beneficial, Kaimal notes. But in terms of being able to treat clinical conditions, specificity, she says, is important.

Elin Bjorling, the co-founder of the University of Washington’s Momentary Experience Lab, adds:

 “It would be interesting to know when and where which types of art are most successful. Potentially, there are kinds of art that would be inappropriate or not useful for a certain population or in a certain context.”

Bjorling claims that art can provide significant positive effects, especially for teenagers, the age group she works with most closely.

She conducted a pilot study published in the journal Art Therapy, that showed that art programs treated headaches in eight teenage girls. It reduces ab average of seven headaches to four over two weeks, and they also reported feeling less momentary stress.

Bjorling said that she was not surprised by the effects of art, but she was surprised at how strongly the teens took to art as a form of therapy.

“They just picked it up and ran with it. We have teens draw out scenarios in their lives using storyboard-type activities and they seem to really really enjoy it.”

She maintains that the power of art can also be attributed to the fact that it is a restorative, healthy activity that people actually like to do, which is very important, especially with teenagers.

 “It speaks to the current culture, where we often don’t use art, we don’t think of using art, and it might be a simple and usable tool for a lot of people. We should think about using it more.”

Kaimal added:

“There’s a range of ways in which the arts can help. They can be emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual. That’s sort of the strength of the arts: they can be what you need them to be for your health needs.”


Health Life

This Artificial Kidney Could Eliminate The Need For Kidney Dialysis

It is of utmost importance to take proper care of the kidneys, as they act as powerful chemical factories in our body.

These organs perform vital roles, including regulating and filtering minerals from the blood, maintaining overall fluid balance, filtering waste materials, and producing hormones needed for the production of red blood cells, a stable blood pressure, and bone health.

If they fail, they cannot filter waste products from the blood, so they, in turn, start accumulating in the blood, leading to a chemical imbalance in the body.

A transplant is the only option in the case of end-stage kidney failure.

The list of people waiting for a kidney transplant in the United States has more than 100 thousand people, and the average wait-time for a kidney is between three and five years.

While waiting for a new organ, patients are put on dialysis, which can perform some of the actions of a healthy kidney. Yet, when a person is unable to receive a kidney donation, they have to be on dialysis for the rest of your life, with an average life expectancy of five to ten years.

Every day, thirteen people die while waiting for a kidney transplant.

As a result of this, scientists are working hard to find a solution to this problem, and The Kidney Project might solve the issue with this organ shortage.

The project has been launched by William Fissel from Vanderbilt University and Shuvo Roy from the University of California, San Francisco.

They have created an artificial kidney that consists of two components: a blood filtration system called the hemofilter, and a bioreactor, which contains cultured human kidney cells intended to perform other kidney functions.

It uses living kidney cells along with 15 specialized microchips controlled by the heart to act as filters and perform the actions of a healthy kidney.

They hold living renal (kidney) cells that will eventually grow around the chip and imitate a real kidney.

Roy explained:

“The implantable bioartificial kidney is an alternative to dialysis and other externally wearable devices that would tether patients or limit their mobility.

A live kidney transplant from a matching donor is still considered one of the best treatment options for ESRD, but unfortunately, there is a shortage of organ donors that prevents transplants from being available to the vast majority of ESRD patients. Unlike transplants, our device will not require that patients be on immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection.”

The artificial kidney is inserted into the body with a common surgery, and it can reliably distinguish between waste chemicals and needed nutrients.

It is believed to work better than dialysis and is seen as a more permanent, and more effective solution than dialysis and a real kidney transplant.

Roy added that the long-term challenges of their innovation “center around keeping the device operating trouble-free after implantation beyond a few months.”

Apart from $6 million in government grants, the project has also received substantial donations from individuals. Roy added:

“Their support is a testament to the acute need for a revolution in ESRD treatment, and the donations we have received are invaluable in allowing our research to progress.”

Yet, we are left to hope that it will eventually target three major issues at the same time, the organ shortage crisis, the need for dialysis, and national health care expenses.



Move Over Kale, Jalapenos Are the Health Food You Never Knew About

If you can handle the taste of jalapenos, you can consider yourself lucky, as they are apparently a real superfood. The active ingredient in these little green peppers, capsaicin, is the power you need to fight off numerous health issues.

Capsaicin is the same ingredient used in personal defense pepper spray, and it turns out that it can defend you from various illnesses and diseases too!

A raw jalapeno contains no fat and has only 4 calories, 1 gram carbs, the same amount of protein, and 0.4 gram fiber. On the other hand, it is a rich source of potassium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, B, and K, as well as folate.

Here are some health benefits of jalapenos:

1. Weight loss– They contain capsaicin, a compound that stimulates weight loss. It activates the brown fat tissue, and thus triggers the process of burning fat.

Capsaicin can also boost metabolism by 4-5% daily, as it has also been found to suppress appetite.

2. Relieve pain– Capsaicin temporarily blocks the pain receptors in the body. Yet, scientists still warn not to apply jalapeno peppers directly on the skin and advise the use of sprays instead, to soothe pain due to shingles, diabetic nerve pain, arthritis, and even migraines.

3. Fight cancer- Studies have shown that capsaicin can fight over 40 types of cancer cells without affecting the healthy body cells. It is also believed to be able to prevent the growing and dividing of cancer cells.

4. Treat nasal congestion– The heat capsaicin produces clears the sinuses, and cleanses the airways, thus treating sinus infections.

5. Good for heart health– Preliminary research suggests that the consumption of 5 grams of capsaicin before high-carb meals lowers blood sugar levels, and diabetes is one of the main factors for heart disease.

6. Treat high blood pressure– Chili peppers, including jalapenos, are high in flavonoids, Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which lower blood pressure.

7. Fight infections– There is some evidence that capsaicin can slow down the growth of yeasts and foodborne bacteria, and even fight some infections like chlamydia, strep throat, and tooth decay. Yet, note that much of this research has been conducted in laboratory studies only.

8. Prevent stomach ulcers- Recent research suggests that spicy foods are not the cause of peptic ulcers. Therefore, as capsaicin fights inflammation in the body, these peppers can prevent stomach ulcers.

Studies even suggest that they can help kill some of the H. Pylori bacteria in the stomach. However, if you already suffer from stomach ulcers, consult your doctor before you consume spicy foods.

9. Great during pregnancy and for the baby- These peppers are abundant in folate or folic acid, which is known to help in neural tube formation and red blood cell formation in prenatal babies. A cup of jalapenos contains 11 percent of the daily recommended value of folate.

Yet, before you start substituting a meal with jalapenos, or eat a jar of pickled jalapenos, it is important to know that the best way to start reaping the benefits of capsaicin is to add a few slices of jalapenos on top of your foods, add them to your salsa or dips, pickle them, or infuse a few jalapenos in oil with chilis.

Also, add fresh jalapenos to eggs, sauces, mashed avocado, and meatloaf to boost nutrition and spice.

Over time, you will build more tolerance to the spice, and you will enjoy your health thanks to these spicy little miracles!

It’s time to spice up your life!
