Carrots are rich in nutrients with beneficial impact on the organism, especially on the eyesight. Raw carrots can be difficult to consume, so it is recommended to shred or dice them before eating. Taking in consider carrots grow in soil, it is important to remove (peel) the outer layer.
- Vitamin K
- Beta-carotene
- Folate
- Calcium
- Chromium
- Zinc
- Iron
- Fiber
Carrots Nutrition Facts
Carrots are one of the richest natural sources of beta-carotene, important provitamin, which after consuming, turns into one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body – vitamin A.
Vitamin A helps cells strengthen and fight against viruses, supports the fight against cancer and prevents cardiovascular diseases.Vitamin A also takes part in the processes of producing eye pigment, so it is generally known that carrots are good for the eyesight.
As part of the nutritive group found in carrots we will also mention vitamin K, which has influence on blood coagulation and wound healing. Fiber help digestion, and also prevent colon cancer.
Fiber and chromium, contained in this healthy root vegetable play important role in stabilization of glycemia. This combination is particularly necessary when it comes to dealing with hunger attacks and diabetes control.
Health Benefits Of Carrots
Sweet and juicy, carrots are extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, and 100 grams contain only 41 calories, negligible amounts of fat and no cholesterol .
Carrots are extremely rich source of vitamin A and carotene. 100 grams of fresh carrots contain 8285 micrograms beta-carotene and 16,706 international units of vitamin A. Studies have shown that flavonoid compounds in carrots help preventing skin, lung and oral cavity cancer.
Carotenes are transformed into vitamin A in the liver. Beta-carotene is the main carotene contained in these roots. Beta-carotene is one of the powerful, natural antioxidants that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Additionally, it has all the functions of vitamin A, and the most important are: maintaining healthy eyesight, maintaining reproductive health (sperm production), maintenance of epithelial integrity, growth and proper development.
Carrots are rich in polyacetylene antioxidant falcarinol. Scientific research conducted at the University of Newcastle on laboratory animals showed that falcarinol in carrots may help in the fight against cancer, destroying pre-cancer cells in tumors.
Fresh roots also contain a certain amount of vitamin C, ie provide about 9 percent of the recommended daily intake. Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant.