
11:11 – Are You Seeing It Too?

The universe has its own power that is often difficult to understand, but we all feel it. The spiritual world sends numerous messages to us, and even though many interpret them as a silly coincidence, it is a fact that very often, it all has a much deeper meaning hidden within.

Have you heard of the 11:11 phenomenon?

Numerous people repeatedly notice these numbers on the clock, on signs, roadside billboards, and various places. Apparently, it is believed that it is a way to become more aware o the present state of mind, to become conscious of yourself, and remind you that there is greater wisdom that can guide you whenever you feel stuck in life.

Doreen Virtue, a well-known angel therapist and psychic medium between the spirit world and human world, claims seeing repeating numbers, especially 11:11, is a sign that you should concentrate on the positivity in life, and all your desires can come true as a reward from your angels.

The more you notice this number, the stronger the connection between yourself and your spirit guides or angels.

Additionally, 11:11 is the number of masters who drastically influenced humanity and shifted the vibrations of the Earth throughout history. This is thought to be a sign that the ascended masters such as Buddha (Siddartha Gautama), Jesus Christ, and Quan Yin, are sending you a message that you are a divine aspect of the Creator, a master at being yourself in human form.

Therefore, it is your task to make a difference and improve the world we are leaving to our generations. 11:11 is just the trigger to set you on the right path and guide you to make your mark in this existence.

According to these theories, people who repeatedly see these numbers are on their way to become Lightworkers, or healers for the planet, who will restore peace, and make this planet a better place.

This may be connected to the fact that according to the Mayan Calendar, the turning of ages started on December 21, 2012, at 11:11, marking a New Age on the planet, which represents a literal shift in consciousness from the Dark Age to the Golden Age.

Also, these numbers add up to 4, the number transformation and the dissolving of the ego.

Therefore, all people who see numbers repeating themselves, specifically 11:11,  are believed to be protected by their angels and should focus on positivity in order to solve the chaos around us. Rely on the power of the universe and see how your positive thoughts become your physical reality.

Remember that the Universe will just make your decisions happen, it will not judge them. Hence, feel free to choose what you want to manifest in this life experience, sp create consciously, and take responsibility.
